Keto Granola is actually one of the most energizing plans on this blog up until now, why? since it genuinely suggests a flavor like typical granola… It’s crunchy, it’s semi-sweet and it goes flawlessly with some hand crafted keto yogurt and berries. This implies you have now discovered an ideal formula for a considerable length of time when you would prefer not to eat eggs!
Keto Granola is simply one more method of saying Keto muesli. As a child, my preferred breakfast was muesli with milk and a banana. While I could in any case have this in the event that I wasn’t following a ketogenic diet, you’d need to address how much sugar locally acquired purchased muesli. (an excessive amount of for the ketogenic diet).
How would I store Keto Granola?
I love putting away things in glass containers. They are reusable and don’t drain plastic all through your excellent formula. As should be obvious, I’ve quite recently made a cone shape from a bit of paper to help pipe the keto granola into the container. It’s as straightforward as that!