Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Treat investigating

For what reason are my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies hard?

In all probability on the grounds that the treats were prepared excessively long or at too high a temperature. Ensure your broiler is accurately adjusted and watch the treats intently close to the finish of prepare time.

You treats could likewise be hard on the off chance that you over-estimated the flour or if different fixings weren’t new. Ensure your heating soft drink is new and your earthy colored sugar isn’t excessively hard.

For what reason are my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies level?

Undoubtedly on the grounds that the treats didn’t chill sufficiently long. Since there is liquefied margarine in the player, it needs an opportunity to solidify once more. Additionally, if the margarine was too hot when you included different fixings, they’ll likely wind up somewhat level and oily.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies will likewise be level if the flour was under-estimated. One other consider that comes play is on the off chance that you live in a high elevation zone.

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